The “Flora & Fauna” exhibition by Christina Oiticia and Blake Jaimeson in Sintra (Portugal) has had a great media impact in the Portuguese and international Press.

Here you can see a number of these reviews.

07.08.2023 Cultura de borla

Christina Oiticica lança exposição “Fauna e Flora” em Portugal

Em parceria com Blake Jaimeson, renomada artista brasileira que vive em Suíça expõe pela primeira vez em terras portuguesas, após passar por 17 países.


Christina Oiticica launches exhibition “Fauna and Flora” in Portugal

In parthership with Blake Jaimeson, renowed Brazilian artist who lives in Switzerland exhibits for first time in Portuguese lands, after passing thought 17 countries.

23.07.2023 Ineews

By Carolina

Christina Oiticica launches exhibition “Fauna and Flora” in Portugal

In parthership with Blake Jaimeson, renowed Brazilian artist who lives in Switzerland exhibits for first time in Portuguese lands, after passing thought 17 countries.

18.07.2023 Revista QUEM

By @raquelpinheiroloureiro

Christina Oiticica lança exposição ‘Fauna e Flora’ em Portugal

Em parceria com Blake Jaimeson, artista brasileira, casada com Paulo Coelho, expõe pela primeira vez no país; saiba mais.


Christina Oiticica launches ‘Fauna and Flora’ exhibition in Portugal

In partnership with Blake Jaimeson, Brazilian artist, married to Paulo Coelho, exhibits for the first time in the country; know more.

16.07.2023 JN · Jornal de Notícias

By Patricia Naves

Os quadros estiveram enterrados”: Christina Oiticica traz “Fauna e flora” a Portugal

Mulher do escritor brasileiro Paulo Coelho realiza a primeira exposição nacional em Sintra, onde revela a sua técnica invulgar de “arte na terra”. Inaugura este domingo. A entrada é livre.


The paintings were buried”: Christina Oiticica brings “Fauna and flora” to Portugal

The wife of the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, holds her first national exhibition in Sintra, where she reveals her unusual technique of “art in the land”. Opens this Sunday. Admission is free.

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