A Caso do Tempo – Nascita di Venere

May 2000 – Centre Social Et Culturel Franco-Brésilien – Paris, France
October 2002 – Museu Histórico Nacional – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The characteristic of the installation presented by Christina Oiticica in this itinerant exhibition (Paris-Rio), is the maturity of the idea, which centers on the importance of returning to the source of universal inspiration in creative arts through the ages.

Her conceptual proposal, entitled “A Casa do Tempo – Nascita di Venere” (House of Time – Birth of Venus), is inspired by the work of the same name by Botticelli and reflects his everyday universe, exploring elements such as sand, seashells, pearls, symbols and the constant signs of daily work in an insatiable reality.

The artist reveals complex relations of this universe through objects, sculptures and paintings, a highly successful demonstration of how art history continues through the recognition and use of a post-modern context.

This is artistic creation in a new sense, in which the work of art doesn’t merely exist for the pleasure of being seen, but as an object of reflection about the values of the world in the Third Millennium.

Thus, Christina Oiticica’s art becomes sovereign through the appropriation of these objects, at times suggestive, at others irritating, but always provoking a new and current stance regarding the ever more contemporary representation of universal art.

Paris, February 2000

Risoleta Cordula

Art Critic – AICA France.

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