Camino de Santiago, November-December 2007

Today I find myself here again in Cebreiro, 17 years later.

I love this place, for it was here that Paulo found his sword. This is where the transubstantiation of bread into flesh and wine into blood took place.

I left a heart here, near a stone wall, and the other paintings further ahead. In front of these paintings stands a wall with two letters and a book between the stones. I also left another eight paintings buried, worked with leaves and shells, and another three inside a bush, untouched, because it rains and snows here, so I want to see how this will interfere with the blank canvases.

Yesterday I was in León and made arrangements for four exhibitions: one there, another in Astorga, then Ponferrada and Bembibre.

On 29 November I was in Puente la Reina, where I unearthed the painting I had done in a field of sunflowers. And I also left six more with flowers and shells, which I plan to dig up in May.

Tomorrow, God willing, I reach Santiago.

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