We went to Cruz de Ferro, one of the oldest monuments to Mercury on the Way to Santiago.  Every pilgrim who passes by there has to leave a stone.

Tomas came along with a pilgrim who had been traveling all the way from Le Puy.

I had painted four canvases and placed them inside a heart made with branches.

Tomas arrived with his sword and performed the Templar ritual of the Four Archangels.


In the meantime, a group of cyclists from Tarbes arrived, wanting to know whose car it was with that city’s license plates.  I could not even pay them any attention, because we were just about to invoke the archangels.  And then a bus-load of tourists arrived, with the guide shouting out: “take your photos and let’s get going!” – a really crazy scene.

It all ended with a downpour, and the rain did its work.

We next went to Foncebadón to leave the paintings planted in the garden of Gaia.

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